01 Apr 2021 8:00am - 30 Apr 2021 6:00pm

What’s happening at Resource Hub in April?Enrichment

World Book & Copyright Day


We are celebrating World Book & Copyright Day in the month of April!

Perhaps some of you might have questions like:


What is the World Book and Copyright Day?

This is a day to pay world-wide tribute to books, authors, publishers, illustrators, booksellers and libraries.

It’s a day to encourage everyone to access a book wherever you are in the world.


When is the World Book and Copyright Day celebrated?  

This year it falls on 23 April.


What is the theme this year?

The Theme for World Book and Copyright Day 2021 is “Share a Story” with family and friends.

MIDS World Book and Copyright Day encourages you to observe DEAR (Drop Everything  And Read) on 23 April during your lunch time.


Resource Hub would like to extend you the opportunity to join our Book Club so that you can be part of this world-wide awareness to “Share a Story”.  


Visit Resource Hub (Block C, Level 4) with your friends/colleagues for more information.

See you soon!