07 Oct 2017

A Mark of PerseveranceLatest News

The sound of applause and cheers filled the auditorium as 60 graduands and 140 guests celebrated the 20th MDIS – Oklahoma City University Graduation Ceremony, graced by Guest-of-Honour and MDIS Patron, Mr Victor Wong Fun Hong.

The momentous event also marked 25 years of strategic partnership between MDIS and Oklahoma City University. Both achievements were made possible by the dedication and support from the faculty and staff of MDIS and Oklahoma City University, and from students who enrolled in to the programmes.

In his address, Mr Wong reminded graduands that their graduation was a testament of how capable they are in accomplishing their goals once they commit themselves to it. He urged them not to lose this quality of perseverance when they face challenges in the future.

Dr Christopher Syn, MDIS Vice-President, encouraged graduates to be their best. He shared two tips which he believes can empower them to fulfil their potential and realise their dreams. “Seize opportunities. When presented with a task, an assignment, a job, regardless big or small, take it. Each opportunity is another opportunity to learn and to gain experience. It is also another opportunity to show what you are capable of, to display your attitude and your aptitude.”

He added that building one’s quotients – Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Moral Intelligence (MQ) and Body Quotient (BQ) – these cognitive abilities can lead them to greater success and professional achievement.

Chua Boon Hee, Gold Award recipient for BSc (in Behavioural Studies with concentration in Psychology) said, “Life is a marathon, not a sprint. We must all possess the grit and tenacity in pursuing our goals, keep ourselves motivated in challenging times and press on till we achieve them.”

Congratulations to all graduates!