life sciences

Pursue your Passion in Biomedical Sciences & Biotechnology

Life sciences involve the study of living organisms, including their functions, structures, behavioural patterns, and interactions. Among its sub-disciplines are…

2 years ago

MDIS Alumiere: Norishka Cassy Dlima

Meet Norishka Cassy Dlima 🎓💡  She graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Biomedical Science in 2021 and is currently…

3 years ago

Introducing Actinomycetes: The Producers of Valuable Metabolites

Actinomycetes are a gram positive, unicellular bacterium that have similar traits to fungi in that they are filamentous, forming branching…

3 years ago

A Peek Into Dr Lisa’s Life

Take "A Peek Into" Dr Lisa’s Life, head of school for the School of Life Sciences (SLS) and find out…

3 years ago

Top 10 Jobs for Biomedical Science Degree Graduates in SG

Singapore’s biomedical sciences industry is a growing industry. It is known as the leading location for companies in the biomedical…

4 years ago

Pigs as Models in Understanding Cardiovascular Diseases

Despite great advances in biomedical research technologies, the use of animals cannot be replaced by modern techniques and animal systems…

5 years ago

Were Dinosaurs Nurturing Parents?

Dinosaur, a word that means ‘Terrible Lizard’, last walked the Earth 65 million years ago. When speaking of dinosaurs, the…

5 years ago